Friday, October 25, 2013

Providing for a Better Tomorrow-Today

The fall break occurred in the nick of time. Everybody was worn out, and we all needed some time to ourselves. As always, when breaks happen I plan every moment of my time so I can accomplish everything I had planned. During the break, I only went out once, to the movies with a friend. Another time I went to study for my Calculus test with a group of friends to better understand what I was supposed to be doing. The rest of my break was spent doing the things that needed to be done: homework, the revealing of a truth, and planning for my future. These are all modest ventures for a person of my past to achieve in a week; and yet I was able to accomplish every single one of these.

As far as homework goes each night I worked on something. Tuesday was full of government. Wednesday was my going out day as well as additional items that had to be taken care of. Thursday was more government and the start of my EMT obligations. Friday was all about Calculus. Saturday was another day of fun. Sunday I completed the rest of my homework. By the end of the week, I had completed everything that was due the very next day.

The truth that needed to be revealed was something that I had personally wrestled with for a while. I always seem to put myself in that position and as many times as I've had to get out of it one would think that I am well practiced in the art. Unfortunately for me, each and every time I find myself in that position it is still terrifying; but I keep doing it. By the end of the week, I had told the truth.

Planning for my future, although occurring last in this list was at the forefront of my mind last weekend. I attended a Fall Preview at UNR. It was awe-inspiring. I don't want to say I fell in love with the school, but perhaps that may happen after we date awhile. The possible futures that I could live all seemed so tangible in that space. I could be anyone, and achieve anything. I'm really hoping to see how this relationship grows and fosters. I wonder if it will, or if I will have to spend my nights crying because of rejection.

So My-Prompt-Assigning-English-Teacher, that is how I spent my fall break.

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