Sunday, May 31, 2015

Post 3: Nails, and a Bedtime Story

     Tonight I learned a very valuable lesson: You can do whatever you want. Let me follow this statement with context. For years, my sister has been into doing nails. She's actually quite good and she has the patience for it. I like my nails done, but I haven't been doing them because she can do them better than I can. I know its stupid, but I've been of the mind that if someone is good at something like that, then its just better to let them do the art for you. I know that's stupid because now I realize I can do my own nails just as good as my sister can. I spent four hours trying to get my nails the way I wanted them, and they look damn good. I'll post a picture tomorrow once they are all cleaned up. Now...story time!

     It's a dark but not so stormy night. Alice's family is out of town and she is home alone. It's a perfect night for her plan. After getting cleaned up, she calls Nick. Her heart is beating as the phone continues to ring. Just when she thinks it's going to go to voicemail, he answers the phone. 
     "Hi Nick. Are you free tonight?" She says confidently as she silently prays for him to say yes.
     Chatter is heard over the phone, one of his brothers talking to him about something. "Umm...yeah. What's up?"
     She smiles happily. "Do you want to have some fun?"
     He chuckles. "What do you mean by fun?"
     "That's for me to know and for you to try to figure out."
     He's laughing again. "I think your definition of fun and my definition of fun are two different things."
     "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Have you eaten? I believe I owe you dinner."
     "What do you say? Wanna do dinner and have some fun? Two birds with one stone?" She asks him nonchalantly.
     The phone is silent for a minute. "Sure. Are you going to tell me where you want to eat?"
     "I guess you can know that information. I was thinking of this burger joint called Steak & Shake. How does that suit ya?" Wow. She was impressed with her own ability to stay calm and out of flirty mode. Nick was just a friend. That's what he said he wanted. She was ok with that. She just wanted one thing from him, and she was willing to bet if he was willing to join her tonight, he was willing to give her what she wanted. 
     "That sounds great. Where do you want to meet?"
     "We don't have to meet anywhere, I can swing by and pick you up."
     Just as she imagined he would, he declined the idea. "Nah, where do you wanna meet?"
     "How about the park across from Maverik say about 15 minutes?"
     "Umm...ok. See you there in a few minutes."
     "See you soon Nick." She hung up the phone with a smile on her face. Everything was going according to plan.

To be continued...

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