Monday, July 27, 2015

Post 34: Two Murders Two Suspects

April showers bring May flowers, at least, that's what my boss used to say. He was a very cheery guy who liked to usher in each new day with an annoying little quote. I didn't necessarily like working for him, but he was a short guy with gray hair and a nice smile. He was sweet but didn't know how to run a business. You see, I work at a vet hospital. The one with the animals not military heroes, anyway, my boss was pleasant but the workplace was not. It seemed like every three weeks they were firing people because they had not been properly trained. Additionally, the new people were hired to replace the people who weren't doing a good job, yet they were not getting trained either. It was a ridiculous cycle of stupidity. I couldn't handle it forever. You misunderstand me. I know you're thinking that I killed the manager but I didn't. (I just thought about it.) The real person I have to assume took care of her was her lackey Mika. He was really good at kissing her butt, yet there was something terrifying about him. He grew up in Detroit and had that whole "I could kill you" facial expression each time he talked to me. I don't really like talking about it, but a few weeks ago he started walking me to my car and hitting on me. I tried to shut him down and threatened to get a restraining order but he just laughed it off. Each time I threatened him he would back off for a few days and then get right back to it. After three weeks I talked to the police about him. They didn't do anything. Then the manager was murdered. I knew two things right away: either he had killed the manager or he was the perfect red herring to confuse the police. Three days after the funeral he followed me to my car. We were talking about the manager and he forced himself on me. He pressed me firmly against my car and stuck his tongue down my throat. I couldn't handle it. I was afraid that something really bad was going to happen. I warned him, but he laughed and kept going. I did the only thing I could in that situation. I pulled my new concealed weapon out, pointed it at his chest, and pulled the trigger. And that officer is why I had to murder my coworker two weeks after my manager was murdered.

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