Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Clique Post

December 31st: New Year's Eve. This is the day when people sit down all across the world and reflect on their year. I can still remember last year's New Year's Eve, wow that's a fun sentence. I set some goals for myself last year, and in the spirit of the day today I think it's best to evaluate how I did.

Another clique thing about this post is I like many Americans had a fitness goal. Did I meet it? Nope I didn't, but that's not going to stop me from trying to achieve my goal. I think this year I will make my goal slightly more realistic and hopefully when I sit down next year, I will have achieved it.

Goal #2: Become Closer with God. I planned on reading a daily scripture every day, praying every day, and praying the rosary every month. I made these goals in the hopes of strengthening my relationship with God and hopefully create a strong foundation that will help me keep the faith when I move out. This year I was a part of the Pastoral Council at my church, and I reestablished a youth group with the help of a couple of close friends. I may have slacked on my own personal goals, but I feel that I did some positive good in the lives of others with my efforts.

Goal #3: Become more responsible. This was going to happen by actually working on my homework instead of avoiding it, doing simple chores weekly or largely clean up days monthly, and committing and keeping commitments. Yeah so maybe this didn't quite happen either. I had times that I did these things, but then other times I completely forgot I had made these goals. I think being another year older indirectly made me more responsible so perhaps I achieved my goal but not in the way I planned.

Goal #4: Write More. At the start of 2013 I made the goal to write at least one sentence every night. I definatley didn't keep that goal either, but I did get farther in my writing career. I actually completed a piece, for me that is a victory. I need some more work in this area, but I'm still having fun with it.

Some people would consider this year a failure. I stick my tongue out at you people. I don't care what you think, at least not at this moment. This was a year of inspiration, and self-discovery. Perhaps I didn't meet my goals for the year but I sure had fun failing; and in the spirit today isn't that more important than some silly goals?

Yeah, I will make some more New Years Resolutions this year. There is always room for improvement. But I won't be disappointed if I don't meet them to the T, after all they symbolize change and I kinda like the person I am.

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