Sunday, December 29, 2013

Transformations and A Bit of Pain

I had a dream a few nights ago, and it was actually pretty cool. I dreamt that I had the ability to change my appearance how I wanted to. It was great especially since in the dream I was hiding from somebody. But after a while I got stuck looking the way I had shifted and had to ride it out for a month or two. Let's just say that it wasn't too enjoyable. Two much of a good thing I guess... then my dream shifted.

This part was a mix between Harry Potter and a modern day grocery store. Again I was hiding from somebody. This time I switched looks with Ginny and somehow I got splinched even though I didn't apparate anywhere. And this all happened inside a grocery store and may have included a scene in a theme park. It was very exciting and yet confusing. I can imagine it is also confusing for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, but I stick my tongue out at you. It doesn't have to make sense to you, it's my dream. Half of the time it doesn't make sense to me. 

I love dreaming, its like a personal nighttime movie premiere for one. In my dreams, pain is usually involved and by the time I wake up some of the original dream has shifted and transformed into something else.
If we were to analyze the motifs of my dreams, there would probably be something about acting now while I can rather than later. There are other messages buried beneath the surface of each individual dream, but I think that's the general consensus. Now as far as the pain thing goes, I think that's just me being strange.

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