Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Life Plan

Why do I do what I do? Is it supposed to be this way? Am I fooling myself? I've spent many days trying to figure out the answers to these questions. Maybe I finally have.

Throughout my life it has seemed that I am the "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of person. I'm good at many things but there is not ONE specific thing that is mine or so I thought. 

What if writing is the answer? It fits pretty dang close to my personality. I can jump around from topic to topic doing whatever I want and learning about anything that I want. My mom says I need to find a career that will give me the life I want to live, meaning a career that is financially stable. Ok mom, I'll go to nursing school to help me pay for all the fun things I want to do, but I'll live my passion to write.

I want to tell stories. It seems to be the only thing I'm good at. I'm not good at speaking the stories but I've been told that my written ones aren't too bad. I'm tired of complaining, I'm tired of everything. I am in no mood for anything today.

People say they have never seen me angry, well now is your chance. It doesn't show up often so enjoy it while it's here. Maybe some of you will understand why I am not the happiest person today but there is only one person who is going to know the real truth.

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