Monday, November 4, 2013

You Know What I Mean...<3

How does a person begin to like someone? Is it a conscious thought brought upon from an initial attraction however small it could be? Is it the amount of time one person spends with another and thus leads one to like another? I don't understand how it works.

He likes she and she likes his and his likes her and her likes he. If things continue to move in this direction then it is a wonder how any one gets together, how like can turn to love and love turn to a commitment and commitment to a child is beyond me. No one will be completely happy with this love square. There is no way to please everyone. 

I don't like you. You are mean and rude to people. You have a pessimistic view on the world and I don't. We are opposites in all ways but two maybe three. I tried to help you, I tried to welcome you into the world of society, and I tried to be a good person. You took it too far. Now I can barely stand to look at you, but I'm sure that you don't know that. About as smart as you are about finances I am about socializing, and vice versa. You are really starting to bother me. Can we be friends? Perhaps. But the real question is: should we? 

I like you. You like to work with cars, your brain is for advanced level math, and you like to argue with me. I've grown up with people like you, in fact most everybody in my family works around cars. I know how to talk to you. It's like second nature to me. You are so smart. Every time we talk about your intelligence you deny it. Is it because you are being humble, or do you not truly understand how smart you are? If you could see yourself in my eyes, you would probably never doubt yourself again. As it is now, I hardly doubt you. One of the only times I do doubt you is when we disagree. We disagree over the dumbest things sometimes and we are both so stubborn it can be annoying. And yet I like our arguments. You can have a conversation with a person! From my extensive "experience" I've learned that holding a conversation is very important to me. Sometimes you struggle, but at least you try. Effort is also important to me. 

As anyone can see, my love shape doesn't look like that. Regarding these two it is similar to an hourglass, them being the sides and I the point in the middle. From my vantage point I can see the good and bad in both of them. Will I get closer to one of them and change my love shape yet again? I believe that is a story for another blog post. 

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