Thursday, November 7, 2013

Things I Shouldn't Say

Today was going to be a bad day. I had close to none of the homework I needed to have done, and there was no excuse for it. Last night I planned to wake up once each hour so I could accomplish my goal. That worked once and only for twenty minutes. Then I coughed and frightened that I would wake my mother up I ran back to my bed with a cup of water.

Waking up,  I was disappointed in the fact that I had not accomplished my goal but got ready nonetheless. Luckily I didn't need to take my sister to school so that was a plus.

I arrived at school early, and actually got some more homework done; things just seemed to get better from there. In fifth period, I didn't have to present the presentation I hadn't prepared. In sixth, we didn't get any homework. Finally in seventh, I turned in a part of my due assignment and did it better than people that had turned it in before me.

I don't know about you, but when things go from bad to good, it really reaffirms my belief in God. This reminds me of my first day at AACT, even before I had gotten accepted. That is a story for another time but I just love the way things work out sometimes. Someone’s watching over me and I may not always thank him or think about it but I will say it now: Thank you God.

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