Sunday, August 2, 2015

Post 62: Quotes to Save

I'm going to get this done before 1 am! Anyway:

"Mom, I have to do this. If I don't Cassie is never going to get her dream. You don't understand."

"Claire I understand perfectly. You care so much for her but did you ever consider being there to support her instead of taking this drastic step?"

"I can't be happy with myself until I do everything in my power to help her. If this doesn't work then I can support her but I have to try."

"Look I didn't get into a relationship to be any body's mother and I don't expect anyone to be my father. I'm here to be an equal and I'm looking for someone to be my equal."

I always wondered what it was about writing that made people either hate...

He reached out. "Kathleen stop." She turned her head tears gathering in her eyes.

"What Cory?"

"I can't love you when you live in another state. I have to be close to you." He took a step forward and pushed her back against the wall and...

They got married and lived happily ever after with an upside down castle and a cup of pudding.

Looking at my latest creation it's a wonder I want to be a romance writer. For one thing I've only had one boyfriend during eighth grade summer camp; two, I'm still in high school so as a junior there's not much I actually know about romance, three; the farthest I've been is a totally embarassing make out session with a crush that completely crushed me. With everything, I'm probably the least qualified person, and the crap I just wrote if proof of that. I have no idea what is supposed to happen.

As my mom calls me down for breakfast, I put my personal dreams aside and face the hard reality of high school.

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