Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Post 65: Thinking Again and Phone Call Party

Recently, I have been considering going to medical school. I thought that forcing myself to make a life decision would make me feel better. It did for awhile, but then I went into a pre-I'm-going-to-miss-writing insecurity.


"Hi Claire. It's Monique. What's up?"

"Hi Monique, is Aidan home?"

"No. He's out. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yeah actually. Cassie and Blaine have some news they want to share with the family and they want to do it this weekend at my parents house Sunday night at 6:30. Can you guys make it?"

"Well normally we like to reserve Sunday nights for the kids to get ready for school. But if it's for Cassie and Blaine we can make it."

"Oh great. See you then."

"Claire, do you have a minute to talk?"

"Actually, I'm on my way to work. I just wanted to give you as much notice as I could."

"Oh, ok. Well thank you."

"No problem. Bye Monique."


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