Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Post 11: Boy Free Summer

My best friend and I have decided to do something this summer. In order to get my mind off of a no win situation she has encouraged me to take control of one area in my life. She's an incredible person and she's also joining me. We have decided to stop focusing on boys this summer. Three whole months with absolutely no romantic interests. So far it has been difficult. I realized that when things aren't working I try to latch onto hopes and dreams of a guy that can solve all of my problems. Sorry but he doesn't exist. I need to train myself to solve my own problems and become my own person. I haven't needed a guy physically and now I am focusing on being my own person mentally. Do I long for a moment when I can call someone my boyfriend, hold hands when walking, and kiss passionately in the rain? Hell yeah! But my life requires my attention right now and I can't waste any precious time focusing on them. Especially when it's not going to happen. If you fixate too closeup on what you think you want you'll just be staring at an ad. Plus, the more people who don't focus on it end up getting a relationship. But oh well. I am an independent woman who doesn't need to fixate on a man/boy to be happy. I'm happy without them. I'm happy and secure without them. I'm happy, secure and free without them. I'm happy, secure, free, and me without them. 

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