Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Post 19: Honest Surprises

        I woke up in a hospital room. The walls, my blankets, and lights were blindingly white. There was a chair in a corner of the room, with a jacket draped over it. A computer was bolted to the wall directly across the room from the chair. A television, a sink, and a set of drawers were the only other things in the room. I was confused. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was falling down the hill and Dominik. Even thinking his name was sending me into a bad mood. I can't believe he would just leave me and let me walk away. That stupid man. Didn't he know that when a woman walks away from a conflict she wants to be followed, at least most of the time.  Well, I was going to stop assuming he would get my subtle hints; the things that come from knowing somebody because obviously he didn't know me as well as I thought.  
          The curtain to my room opened and in popped Dominik. The fire returned to my gut as the anger returned to my chest. "What are you doing here?"
          "I'm making sure you're alright."
          "Who told you I was here?" I questioned.
          "Nobody, I brought you here."
          "Who else did you expect to be here? We were by ourselves and you stared walking away. I told you I wasn't going to leave you out there alone." Hmm...maybe he wasn't as much of a superficial dick as I thought. 
          "Ok. Well I guess I should thank you. So, thank you." It wasn't the most heartfelt thank you but at least I said it. 
          "Not a problem. Next time, can you have a blonde moment closer to the car so I don't have to carry you quite so far?" He teased flirtatiously as he took the only available seat in the room.
         Inside I cringed, but outside I continued my tough front. "I don't know if you could call it a blonde moment. Plenty of people trip    "
         "You are the only person I know who would trip and brake their leg."
         I tightened my lips. "Did I really brake my leg?" I stole a glance at my leg which was neatly wrapped in white gauze.  Two unmistakable ridges rose above my skin line. That was the first time I noticed a bag of clear liquid hanging behind me, with a line that ended in my hand.
          "Yup. The bone snapped clear through the skin. They gave you some pain medication so you wouldn't feel anything."
          "Oh." I muttered not entirely comfortable with the idea.
          "So...you ran away." Dominik continued after a moment of silence.
          "I didn't run away. I stepped away from the conflict so I wouldn't make it worse."
          "Why can't you just admit that you were upset?" He asked.
          "Fine. I was upset. I've never been completely confident in regards to my body and when you said what you said it made me angry and insecure. Ok, is that what you wanted to hear?" I crossed my arms ready to fly off the handle even with my leg bandaged and not working. "I thought you would want to move forward, not end it because I didn't meet the impossibly high standard of the girl you expect to be with."
          "Wow I royally fucked this up." He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Aubree, I didn't want to end...I don't want to end this. I was trying to tell you that I think we should start doing more physical activities, I'm sorry you took it that way."
          "You don't need to apologize." All my built up anger melted away. "I'm sorry I overreacted. I'm not the best communicator, and I assume way too much. Sometimes it's just hard to believe that we're actually seeing each other."
          He looked at me with genuine confusion. "Why is that hard to believe? You are beautiful, strong, smart, and ambitious. Why wouldn't I want to be with you?"
          "You are the most attractive guy in our building Dominik. I'm not used to attractive guys like you giving me the kind of attention you do. The fact that you liked me was a complete shock. I guess I'm finally getting used to the idea that this could be real. When you started acting weird I took it as you wanting to end it because I couldn't imagine this going anywhere else."
          "Now that your not mad, do you still see this ending?"
          I had two choices. I could follow my tradition of being tough and feel in control or change my tactics and be vulnerable. Unfortunately for me vulnerability had always worked better with Dominik. I think he liked being in control too. "I think it depends on how we feel about each other. If we are on the same page than I see this moving forward."
          "And if we aren't?" He asked.
          "Then we end it I guess. Ok, I've been vulnerable now it's your turn. What do you want to do Dom?"
         "I want to move forward. I have the kind of feelings for you that make me want to take care of you. I want to get to know all the nooks and crannies that you haven't let me into yet. I want to kiss you in the rain, on the beach, and around my friends. I want to call you mine and be the only man you see. I want to argue with you over stupid things. I want to make love with you; but first I'd settle with calling you my girlfriend. What do you have to say to that?"
           " I say that speech sounds a little rehearsed."
          "Well, you would be wrong. I have impeccable improvisation skills. Ok, now speech me." He sat back in the chair with his arms crossed behind his head.
          "Why are you saying these things now? Is it because the whole trauma bonding thing?" I asked skeptical. 
           "What trauma bonding thing?"
           "You know, the phenomenon that occurs when one person in a group experiences trauma around the rest of the group. They bond. And if it's a girl and guy thing then they get a pseudo nightingale 'I want to take care of you' thing." 
          "Your explanations are interesting but I can say no to the bonding thing. I felt this way for awhile. Plus there's this." He sat up and put his hand behind my ear pulling me into a kiss. It was a soft teasing kiss, the kind where my heart raced after it was over. 
           "That was great Dom. I'm just used to being everything on my own. I don't...haven't...I'm not used to having somebody there. I wouldn't know how to be your girlfriend."
          "I've never been in a relationship with someone like you before. Part of the excitement between us is due to the guesswork that any relationship takes. I'll probably be just as lost as you feel but I'm willing to try if you are. You just have to ask yourself if this is worth it." He intertwined my hand with his. I felt myself blush with the thrill of it. 
          At that moment, someone knocked on the door jam and pushed back the curtain. "May I come in?" 
          I nodded and the tall gentleman with surfer boy looks and ironed blue scrubs came to stand at my bedside. 
          "Hello Aubree. My name is Dr. Fenian and I'll be your surgeon. According to your X-ray you have a fractured tibia. We are going to..." I zoned out as the doctor explained the procedure. The doctor was nice enough but he was using big medical words I didn't understand. "Do you have any questions?" He asked at the end of the scpheel. 
          There was only one at the forefront of my mind. "Yes, where can my boyfriend wait while I'm in surgey?"
          "There's a waiting room on the third floor directly across the hall from your recovery room. Any questions about the procedure?" He asked again. 
          "No. I trust you." I said simply. 
          Dominik laughed. "You should take that as a real compliment Dr. Usually she pesters til she's satisfied." 
          "Well I will than. Thank you. If you need anything feel free to call your nurses. I'll see you in about an hour." 
          After he left, I looked over at Dominik. "So does that mean I have my answer?" He questioned smiling broadly. 
          "Well why don't you come over here and kiss me to find out?" 
          He smiled and pulled my lips to his. "Now that is something I can do." 


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