Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Post 28: Discipline Is My Destiny

        I am a babysitter; a glorified babysitter who takes the opportunity to escape from her tasks. My sister on the other hand doesn't get an option. She is followed around by little kids who request her attention. She is one of the most blunt people and as she nearly tells the kids to jump off a bridge, they continue to pester her. This is the story every time we go camping. As soon as they pull up, the kids are up my sister's butt. Their parents are immature selfish beings who wish only to appear as if they are loving parents. They are stupid assholes who only care about competing. Its stupid.
          At 19 years old I am more responsible than these people that pass themselves off as parents. I now have the retrospect to look at their kids and see that mine will not behave like that. They will be disciplined and have healthy limits set on them. They won't bother people in their trailer when they have their own. They will be kind, and polite, and courteous. They'll also know how to take a hint. I wish these kids knew how to take one.
          Oh well, wish their sitter luck.

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