Saturday, June 20, 2015

Post 17: Noble Gentleman Make Women Fall

          "Why are you acting weird. I'm not asking from an insecure place. I'm simply curious. You seem like you want to stop this." 
          "Do you want the honest or nice answer?"
          "Honest." There's a nice answer?
          He stopped walking, and turned to face me. "I like girls that are physically fit."
          His words hit me like a slap to the face. Physically fit? That was the reason? I couldn't help myself. I laughed at him. I wasn't about to win any body building contests but I wasn't 600 pounds either. I had a few problem areas, but I was proportionate and damn cute. "That sounds completely shallow. Do we not have chemistry?"
          "We do, but - "
          "Am I easy to talk to?"
          "Absolutely, and - "
          "Do you enjoy spending time with me?"
          "Of course, but - "
          "So, let me get this straight, you don't want this thing between us to grow because being seen with me might ruin your image?"
          "No, it's not that. Look, physical  activity is a large part of my life. Whenever we hang out we don't do anything physical. I can't move forward with someone who doesn't share that with me."
          "Really? You think I don't like playing sports and being outside? That's where I get most of my inspiration from. You never suggested anything like that and you've planned the majority of our 'hang outs.'"
          "You never said that you were interested in things like that."
          "You never asked."
          "Aubree, you had to know that this was the way things would end up. I mean you only like me for my body."
          "Are you freaking serious? Have you not been listening to a word I said or what I wrote in that damned letter? If I ever gave you the impression that all I wanted was your body, then not only do I owe you an apology but I owe myself one too for wasting my time on you. I understand that your reason could be very valid, and yet I can't help but feel that your  making up an excuse for us to stop seeing each other."
           He looked at me and I could tell that he was getting upset. Good. Damn him. We stared at each other for a minute before he spoke. His voice was calm and slightly scary.
          "I'm not making up an excuse, I'm letting you know how I feel. I don't think that we are right for each other."
          "Well that's fine. You can take your feelings and your convictions in your fancy car and drive away. This isn't working for either of us and it's better that we part ways here."
          "I'm not going to do that." 
          "Why not? I'm perfectly capable getting home by myself." 
          "I'm not about to leave you in the middle of nowhere. I would feel responsible if something happened to you." 
          "Oh how noble." I wanted to think of something better to say but nothing quickly came to mind, so I turned around and started walking down the hill. 
          I heard Dominik call out to me. "You can't seriously walk home from here." 
          "Watch me." I snapped back at him without turning my head. 
          The ground was soft beneath my feet and my stick thin heels continued to stick into the ground with each step. My attempt at a confident storm off was turning into an awkward shuffle. Not the image I was hoping to leave. I heard a car door shut behind me. So much for a noble gentleman. He was leaving and I would be all alone. I was too prideful to turn back and go after him. I had spent too much time chasing him, I wasn't about to do it again. That was not going to be the last thought he had of me. 
          As I reached the crest of the next hill I looked back. His car was still at the spot we had parked. The idea that he was sitting in his car watching me infuriated me more. I turned around fast and my heel stuck in the ground. My foot slipped and I tumbled down the hill.
          Every time I touched the ground it hurt. I knew I would have bruises tomorrow. Right before I hit the bottom, I felt something in my leg snap and I yelled in frustration and pain. I landed in an itchy bush.
          I sat there for a second before I got the courage to sit up. My right calf was throbbing, and it appeared shiny in the dim light. I reached forward and felt two little bumps. I screamed louder when I realized that those bumps were two ends of my bone and the shiny liquid was blood. The outside of my vision went foggy and I fell back against the ground. The last thing I remember thinking was how much blood freaks me out. 

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